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                                                                                        Knight's Adventure.



Phillip Ross

Copyright © 20016 Phillip Ross

All rights reserved.

ISBN-13: 978-1523828913 


ISBN-10: 1523828919 







In memory of all the furbabies we have loved and lost.










Knight's Adventure



The Naughty Cats

Pg 7


Monty The Scared Dog

Pg 16


Mr Biggles And The Gulls

Pg 20


Home Sweet Home

Pg 25




















As there wern't many people involved with the writing of this book I would just like to say thankyou to everyone who has ever believed, encouraged and/or supported me and my work.




1 Knight's Adventure



This, is the story of a cat who loved adventures, his name was Knight.


As a kitten Knight always dreamed about adventure.


He would sit for hours watching cartoons about castles, dragons and unicorns and how the brave knight in his shining armor would always save the day.


How he wished he could battle the monsters too, for now though he was content to chase spiders, jump at the shadows in the hallway and attack one of the toys from the red box.


Knight grew into a handsome black and white cat, the patches of black creating the shape of the letter Y on his back. He was a long cat with slender legs and a proud stance and he loved his owner very much.


One day whilst sat on his humans lap he spotted a large winged creature outside the window.


“what is that? Is that a dragon?” he asked, Knight's human looked down at him then at the window “Silly kitty, it's only a pigeon” he laughed before turning back to his work.


Knight jumped onto the window sill and peered out at the bird “what is it like to be out?” he asked.


The pigeon tilted his head from side to side “the wind in my feathers and food in my stomach and I am happy” cooed the pigeon before flying away.


As the day ended Knight curled up in his favorite spot on the leather sofa, closed his eyes and began to purr peacefully as he dreamt of running through a meadow.


A sword in his paw and a dragon running away from him with fear in it's eyes.



“happy birthday knight” came voice.


Knight slowly opened his eyes, stretched and yawned then let out a noisy meow.


“I know, I know you're hungry we've got a treat for you today” said his human as he walked off into the kitchen.


Knight followed closely, what was that smell, something delicious, something fishy.


Greeting him on his white vinyl mat was a brand new bowl with his name on the front and inside lay a full tin of tuna.

Knight meowed with excitement, rubbing his head against his humans ankles to say thank you before diving in to the meal.


His belly now full he decided it was time for another nap but where today? He wondered.


He walked into the living room and looked around, he tried the sofa “hmm too soft” he said.


He then jumped onto the window sill “no too hard.”


None of the furniture felt right in this room today and so he tried the hallway.


There was a pile of coats on the floor and he curled up between them, the warmth felt lovely and he purred as he rested to sleep off his birthday meal.


At One year old he didn't sleep for long and as he stretched he looked around him expecting to see the white radiator and row of boots that he loved to rub against.


Something was different, it was dark too dark for even Knight to see, he tried to move and was greeted by something hard, he rolled over and it was the same at all sides, everywhere he moved he felt a wall blocking him, he meowed softly with fright.


Where was he?, why couldn't he move? He began to panic screeching loudly and shaking his enclosure.


Suddenly he felt himself falling, it wasn't a high drop and as he landed he rolled out of the cardboard box, the coats landing on top of him.


Knight lay still for a moment before he felt the rush of fresh air and he darted out from under the coats.


Feet shuffled around him, noisy trolleys were pushed from one end of the large factory to the other and clothes hung on rails in long rows.


Spotting a low shelf with boxes piled on it Knight ran with all his might and hid behind them.


There he began to cry, he wanted so much to be home with his human curled up watching television, what had he done to make him send him away like this, did his human not love him anymore?


As he sobbed he heard a soft voice from beside him.


“Why are you crying Mr pussy cat?”


looking down Knight saw a tiny little brown mouse, his instinct told him he should chase the mouse but his heart was broken and he just sobbed louder.


“M- my human doesn't love me, he sent me away in a box to this place” he stammered.


“There there” said the mouse placing her paw on his.


“I'm sure your human wouldn't send you here.”


Knight wiped his eyes with his paw and sniffed “what makes you say that?” he asked curiously.


The little mouse smiled “why this is the clothes factory, people send old clothes here to help those who don't have any” she informed him.


This news made Knight smile “so my human does love me?” he asked hopefully “I'm sure he does, do you remember what happened?” knight nodded and scratched an itch on his side.


“Yes it's my birthday and my human gave me some delicious fish, I fell asleep on some soft material and then I woke up here.”


The mouse listened as Knight told his tale.


“Then it seems to me you were put into the box by accident” she smiled.


“How do I get home?” asked knight worriedly.


The little mouse rubbed her whiskers “hmm do you know where you live?” she asked.


Knight shook his head “ I've never been out before but I live in the house with the red toy box” he replied.

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