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Knight's Adventures

        Sir Knight. 


It was a beautiful Sunday morning, the sun shone through the living room window and Knight the black and white cat stretched his paws out, yawning loudly he saw his human sat at his computer tapping away at the keyboard.


“purr, good morning human” he said rubbing his head against the chair base “hello Knight you're breakfast is in the kitchen” smiled his human leaning down and ruffling the cats ears.


Knight walked into the kitchen and sat down to eat at his favorite bowl with his name on the front, as he ate he heard his human get up and go to the front door.


“Oh hello there, who might you be?” he asked opening the door to find an old white cat with two black patches on her back, she meowed and wandered straight past the human.


“Okay come in” he laughed as he watched her walk into the kitchen, poking his head around the corner and seeing Knight and the new cat were getting on very well he went back to his work.


“Grandma!” shouted knight as he saw the old cat “hello Knight how are you ?” she asked greeting him with a head rub “I'm good thank you Grandma, my human is really nice” smiled Knight.


“Yes he does seem nice” replied Grandma with a grin, “I found this in the attic the other day and thought you might like it” she said passing a very old looking leather gauntlet to Knight.


“what is it?” he asked looking at the item curiously.


“This, was one of your great great great great great great grandfather's gloves” she began.


“his name was Sir Knight” she continued “like me?” asked knight curling up beside her “yes that's right, just like you, in fact that is who you are named after, the brave Sir Knight”.


She tickled Knight behind the ear and he giggled.


Grandma coughed and Knight settled down to listen.


“Sir Knight was the bravest of all the cats in the land.


In the time that Sir Knight lived, no motorcars drove down the streets, no aeroplanes flew in the sky and there was no television”


Knight gasped out loud “no television?” but how did they watch cartoons he asked.


Grandma just chuckled and continued with the story.


Sir Knight was a big furry cat with proud black and white markings, his human was called William Marshall.


William was the greatest of all Human Knights, he fought in tournaments across the country, jousting for prize money.


Sir Knight would watch his human as he spurred his horse into action ready to unmounted another opponent.


The Joust was taking place in the grounds outside the Tower of London.


Wooden seats surrounded the arena and a long wooden fence stood in the center reaching from end to end.


Sawdust was scattered on the floor and beautiful brightly coloured banners hung from the stands where human's cheered and clapped.


On this day Sir Knight was sat by the side of his human's blue and yellow tent when he heard a soft meowing from the nearby woods, he wouldn't usually leave his human but he couldn't help but think there was something wrong.


As he reached the line of Oak trees the meowing grew louder, there was definitely something that wasn't right, but what was it? He wondered.


Birds sang from the treetops and the sun shone down creating a thin mist inches above the bracken covered floor.




A small stream trickled it's way through the undergrowth, branches lurched forward as though trying to grasp anyone passing.


Sir Knight approached the bank cautiously, he saw a small cat sat looking very sorrowful, she had a beautiful tortoise shell pattern on her fur and beautiful emerald green eyes.


“Hello, are you okay?” asked Sir Knight edging closer, the cat looked startled and stopped crying “please sir I'm lost, my brother was taken away to the castle and I was left alone” she sobbed.


Sir Knight looked at the cat with pity, it was a knights duty to help those who are weaker or frightened.


“come with me my human knows the humans at the castle perhaps we can get you there and find your brother” he said offering his paw to her, she took it shyly and stood up on all four legs.


Sir Knight bounded through the thick undergrowth ignoring the brambles lashing at his legs, the tortoise shell queen followed him neatly avoiding the brambles.


“what is your name my lady?” asked Sir knight as they arrived back at his humans tent “my name is Clarissa” she replied sitting down to catch her breath “and my brother is called Harold” she added.


“Well Clarissa my human has finished his tournament for today and we will no doubt be heading to the castle soon” he smiled and curled up on a blue silk cushion.


There was a loud clanking noise as Sir Knight's human walked into the tent, he laughed heartily as his squire began to remove the heavy silver armor.


Clarissa ran behind a large wooden chest when she heard the noise, fearful it may be a dragon.


Sir Knight sat upright proudly applauding his human “excellent show my lord, you showed him” he meowed.


William stroked Sir Knight fondly “who do we have hiding behind here” he said noticing Clarissa “have you found yourself a girlfriend Sir Knight?” he asked.




“ I assure you my lord I have only vowed to help this lady find her brother” meowed Sir Knight in protest.


“Settle down lad, I was just jesting with you” laughed William rubbing Sir Knights chin.


William Marshall's beautiful Grey mare cantered toward the castle gates, close on her heels were Sir Knight and Clarissa.


It was almost dark and torches of fire lit the gates.


The Tower of London was a large castle stood on the banks of the river Thames, it's bright white walls stretched high into the sky and it's moat separated the grand entrance from the river bank.


“Do you know where they are keeping your brother?” asked Sir Knight as they crossed the wooden drawbridge into the cobbled courtyard.


“All I know is two young humans took him” sobbed Clarissa thinking about the horrors which may be happening to Harold.


“If they live in this castle then it must be the kings son and daughter!” exclaimed Sir Knight “come on this way” he added rushing off across the courtyard.


The large stone keep stood towering above them small arrow slits carved into the wall and elegant lead lined stained glass windows looked down on the cats.


The big oak door was closed and there was no way through into the keep, Sir Knight meowed loudly in the hope a human would hear and open the door for them but no one came.


He looked around for William but he had headed off to the tavern to quench his thirst.


“There is another way inside” came a voice from out of the darkness “twit woo, if you follow the walls to the stables there is a tunnel that leads into the cellars” the voice continued.


“Who's there? Show yourself to me friend?” said Sir Knight jumping onto the small wall which ran by the side of the stone staircase to the keep door.


A large Tawny owl flew down from his perch and landed next to Sir Knight.



Unlike most animals who would have jumped and run a mile at such a magnificent bird landing next to them, Sir Knight nodded to the owl.


“I thank you wise owl” he said bowing his head.


Leaving the bird perched on the wall Sir Knight and Clarissa did as he had said and followed the wall until they reached the stables.


Great stakes of oak made up the walls of the stable block, the smell of freshly cut straw drifted through the night air and several horses whinnied as the cats entered.


“I say old chap this is the kings stable and only he or his squires may enter” said a beautiful white stallion.



He lowered his head to look the cats squarely in the eyes.


“We wouldn't want you, shall we say getting hurt now would we” he laughed.


“I don't take kindly to threats Sir, Kings horse or not” sneered Sir Knight flexing his long talon like claws.


The kings horse looked nervous, despite his years of battles he knew how much a cats claw could hurt and in this place infection could be nasty.


“calm yourself sir and tell me what it is you and your friend are doing here?” asked the Kings horse.


“Clarissa's brother, Harold is being held in the keep, I am helping her rescue him” said Sir Knight pointing to Clarissa and then the keep.


“I see it is indeed a noble deed you are undertaking Sir, I am Galliant and I am at your service” the kings horse bowed low tickling Clarissa with his mane.


“Thank you Galliant, I am Sir Knight and this is Clarissa, the wise owl told us there was a passage into the castle from here, could you show us it please?” Sir Knight scratched his ear .


“Of course Sir Knight it is right here behind my hay” Galliant kicked a large bale of hay revealing a dark passage in the stone walls of the keep behind the stable.

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